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Sample Tracks:
I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm - PKBOO
Under The Boardwalk
Can't Get Enough Of Your Love Baby
Original Music:
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Skills & Expertise

The following represents my past experience in my life of music. Each  project has been an important factor towards the pursuit of the success in my  musical career, contributing something unique to my personal and professional development. For references or additional information about anything listed below, get in touch with me directly.


This is a description of my previous work and the responsibilities I have undertaken during my 60 yr. experience teaching and performing . I have found that the most effective way of teaching is by giving you, the Student, respect and exactly what you are trying to accomplish whether it be Theory in music or the Training in learning Chords that can get you playing your favorite songs quicker. Together we will make this a truly learning experience.


Through my many years of experience I have developed discipline in helping to create Final Musical Productions.
Together we can experience how the process of Recording, Producing and Completing your next possible hit by teaching your ears to hear and your eyes and brain to train yourself for future compositions.


PKABOO welcomes all Musicians and Song Writers to come together in this site to form a place where we can all feel comfortable and to move forward to what we all Enjoy and learn to love... MUSIC.


Come join the site. To keep safe distancing these (3) Valuable Training Programs can all be accomplished by using FACETIME or GOOGLE HANGOUT


A Lifetime In Music

Music has the power to transport us to another time and place. PKABOO loves to harness that power with a broad audience of fellow music lovers and passionate musicians alike. Ever since a young age, PKABOO has found great joy and satisfaction by being involved in the creative music process. Take a look around the site to get to know more about PKABOO and don't forget to enjoy the VIDEO that's located at the top of the Heading page marked VIDEO'S for a montage of some of PKABOO's Music.

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I was just a Senior in High School and was just turning 16. The band was " THE STONEY MOSS BAND" we performed at a lot of different venues and Clubs in the Tri- State area including Atlantic City. I had the special opportunity to play with the late great guitarist Jerry Topinka. The members included Fred Topinka, Marty Hillman, Paul Kothe' and Jerry Topinka.


This was the Band called "Smiling Max" we were noted for playing such artists as ELO, Zepplin, BeeGees and many others. We mostly played a lot of Clubs in the area of North Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.


This was the most successful band still at this time. The band was already form when I was asked to join in 1978. The band was so successful that we were performing every night of the week. The band was set up as a corporation and the music we played was Full Of Soul. By the end of 78 we were on our way to Vegas.

 When we came back months later we found out that we were one of 2 bands that had been nomonated and had won the WNBC Hometown Album. At this time the band was a 6pc. band. The members were Sal C., Mike C., Ronnie D., Al C., Jerry T., and Paul K. Today the band is Still together but with only 3 members Paul, Sal and Mike it's been over 40 yrs. and we are still pumping out the Tunes.  


Today we are all enjoying the many facets of Music and Media and this is just another avenue for me to explore and I'm enjoying every minute of it...

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Want to learn more about PKABOO? Contact me to answer these questions? Keep in touch.



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